Friday, August 24, 2012

Hip, Hip, HOORAY! A New School Year Is Underway!

Hello 2-3 Families and Friends!

We made it through our second day of school in 2nd grade!  The kids have had a GREAT two days in school.  I love learning about who they are and what matters to them.  I've been taking lots of pictures, but I must wait to post everything until we get information about Media Release forms being signed.  I promise to upload everything as soon as I am able to.  We will go over all of the policies and procedures about our website during Curriculum Night next week.  I wanted to give you a brief recap of some things we did on our first two days together and give you a head's up on what to expect next.....

* The students learned about their morning procedures and how the get to use the Mimio to choose their lunch for the day.

* We read First Day Jitters and talked about how it is okay to be nervous for the first day of school.  We talked about how we are all special and we work together as a team to support each other in our classroom.

* The students introduced themselves and told us about something they did over the summer.

* We went on a tour of the building and talked about ways to stay safe at recess...aka, THE RULES!

* We did a supply check-in and the kids organized their desks

* We completed our FIRST MATH LESSON!  These kids sure know how to count!!

* We read the book, How to Fill a Bucket and talked about how each student matters in the class and that we want to support each other.  

* Did you know that I have 20 geniuses in 2-3?  Well, I DO!  We talked about how each student is a genius and it is important for them to share the things they know and love with others.  We can ALL learn from each other.

* The kids were introduced to our classroom motto, PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS!  I don't use the word perfect because I encourage the students to try their best and then challenge themselves to do better!

* We wrote our new principal, Mrs. Sessler, letters to let her know how much she matters to us and to Dryden.  She LOVED them.  The kids definitely filled her bucket today!  Way to go class.

* The students also had their first ART class about a fun Friday.

* 2-3 created their own set of classroom rules.  The kids learned today that rules aren't created to try to get you in trouble, they are made to keep us safe.  Each student was responsible for contributing his/her own rule to create our classroom rules.

* The class also told me what special topic THEY want to learn about this year.  My goal is to find a way to incorporate each topic into our learning this year.  It's important that the kids know and feel like they own their learning in their classroom.

* On Tuesday many of you may have noticed that one of the large bulletin boards in the classroom was covered in CAUTION tape with a sign that said, "UNDER CONSTRUCTION."  Today my crew of construction workers and architects decided on what to do with the board.......The large board will be split into 2 so that the kids can create 2 bulletin boards.  One board will be designated for photos and information about what our class is doing.  The other bulletin board involves our 3 class pets: Patches the Guinea Pig, Hermie the Hermit Crab, and Funky Monkey, our dancing monkey.  Our 3 furry friends are going to travel to places around the world.  When they travel somewhere, the class is going to research that place so we can learn more about it and put it on the bulletin board.   Our 3 furry friends will also have their picture taken at that place (via green screen) and the students will post that on the board as well.  I am so proud of them for being incredibly creative and coming up with such genius ideas for our boards.  I love that they thought of ways to make the boards interactive with things they want to learn about!  Go class!!


Wed: 8/29 -- PTA Room Rep meeting 3:00 --- I will meet whoever our rep ends up being as soon as I dismiss the kids at 3:35 :) 

Thurs: 8/30 -- Curriculum Night -- Our 2nd grade presentation is from 6:30-7:10 and then from 7:15-7:40 there will be teacher introductions and PTA information.


I wish you all a safe and wonderful weekend.  Thank you for such a great start to school year.  I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to teach and learn from your children.

- Danielle