Tuesday, February 19, 2013

G'Day Mates by Ryan

Please welcome our 2-3 Blogger this week, Ryan!  

We are learning about Australia.  We have an Australia packet that we write in when learn new facts and information.  The kangaroo lives in Australia.  It carries its baby in its pouch.  It is a marsupial.  A baby kangaroo is called a joey.  I am looking forward to learning more about kangaroos.  Thanks for reading!


Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekly News from 2-3!

Hello 2-3 Families!

It has been such a great week in 2-3.  Take a look at what we have been up to......

This week the 2nd graders packed their suitcases, grabbed their passports, and headed to the Land Down Under!  We will be learning about Australia and doing a cultural comparison between life there and life in the USA.  The 2nd graders are also completing a special research project in the LMC where they have been broken into research groups and are studying the various territories in Australia.  It has been such an incredible hands-on learning experience so far!  We will be staying in Australia for the next several weeks, but I promise to keep you updated on our travels and experiences! We have to thank a special substitute in our building, Mr. Piper-Ballou for providing us with some goodies from United Airlines.  When Mr. Piper-Ballou isn't subbing, he works for United which happens to be the airline we flew to Australia.  Thank you so much Mr. Piper-Ballou for making our travels special!  G'day mates!!

We had so much Valentine's spirit this week!  Thank you Mrs. Colias, Mrs. Woodland, and Mrs. Hasan for organizing such a fun Valentine's party for our class.  We had sweet and healthy snacks, played a fun game of bingo, and showed our classmates how much we can for them with the valentines that were passed out.  Mrs. Colias also worked with the kids to complete a VERY FUNNY "Dear Teacher" Mad Lib....check out all the pictures below.  I received so many special treats yesterday, I definitely felt the love!  I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day too!

This week we took our Unit 7 math test.  I am so proud of the hard work and effort the kids put into this test.  They did an awesome job.  Next week we will begin Unit 8 -- Fractions.   Fractions can be a difficult concept to grasp.  I will be working to use a variety of strategies so that all the kids can feel successful in grasping the concept of fractions.  If you find that your child is becoming frustrated with the math Home Link that is sent home, please let me know.  The homework is meant to be a reinforcement of what was learned in class and should be able to be completed fairly independently.  If your child is struggling with the homework, I want to make sure to help reinforce that skill set in the classroom.

Last Friday, our wonderful principal, Mrs. Sessler, left for Japan.  She has spent the week visiting schools and learning about the similarities and differences between school here and school in Japan.  We can't wait to hear all about it when she returns next week.  If you haven't had the chance to check out her blog yet, please do!  http://drydendolphinpride.blogspot.com 

Don't forget there is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY FEBRUARY 18th.  Next Thursday (February 21st) will operate as a Monday schedule so instead of having LMC, the kids will have music and gym.

Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!

-Danielle Porte

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reminders for This Week

Hello 2-3 Families!

I hope you are all enjoying the snow we have.  The sledding hill by our house has been filled with families!!  I just have a few quick reminders about some things happening this week......

The annual PTA Book Fair launched yesterday!  The kids were so excited to preview all of the wonderful books available for purchase.  Please note that students are only allowed to shop during their recess and lunch times.  Students are not permitted to shop during the lunch hour until they have finished their lunch.  Tonight, 2/6, is FAMILY FUN NIGHT!!  We hope you can stop by!  The Book Fair will run through tomorrow.  Thank you to the PTA for all of their hard work in putting on such a great event to promote reading!

Can you believe that tomorrow is the 100th day of school?  Time sure flies when you are having fun!  Yesterday I sent home bags with each student labeled "My 100 Bag."  Students are encouraged to bring in 100 of something that will fit into the bag so we can celebrate 100 days of learning together tomorrow!

I have been noticing lately that there are several students in 2-3 who are not familiar with how to tie their shoes.  Being that the kids are wearing boots and then changing into gym shoes when they get to school, I strongly encourage your children to practice tying their shoes at home. I have been working on this skill with them in class, but continued practice outside of the classroom will be helpful.   This is an important skill for your children to master because it allows them to tie their own shoes when an adult is not available.  Thank you for your help with this.

I hope you are all having a great week! Let's hope Phil's Groundhog's Day forecast was correct and that spring is just around the corner.

- Danielle Porte