Welcome to our PORTE POST ONLINE NEWS BLOG. We are 2nd graders at Dryden Elementary School in Arlington Heights. On our blog you will get to take a peek into our classroom and read/see what we have been working in 2nd grade.
Day 1: Mrs. Porte "My favorite 2nd grade memory is watching my students grow in the classroom and as upstanding members of the community. I am so proud of all their hard work!"
What a fun, final week we've had a Dryden. Here is a glimpse at our week through photos!
The kids had a great time watching Despicable Me
After reading Princess and the Pizza, the kids were inspired to design their own pizza creations.
The kids visited with the students in Mrs. Lo's class to learn about 3rd grade.
We had a school assembly today that recapped some of the special moments we've had throughout the year. It was a fun celebration with videos and musical performances. I received an incredibly thoughtful class gift! I wanted to share a photo of the necklace the kids gave me. I have never seen anything like this and I will always think of them when I wear it. I love that it encompasses the personal and professional things that are most important to me. Your children mean the world to me and it has been an honor to be their 2nd grade teacher. I hope you have a wonderful and safe summer. Thank you!
Can you believe this is our last week of school? Here is a look at our Field Day celebration and what to expect this week...
Field Day
We could not have asked for better weather to celebrate Field Day! A special shout-out to Mrs. Neri and Mrs. Miller for being our classroom volunteers for this event. We all had a blast! Check out the photos below.
This Week...
* Miss Bandur's class visits our class to learn about 2nd grade.
* Yearbooks will be distributed at the end of the day. The kids will have a chance to sign their classmates books today and throughout the week. They may bring a pen or marker from home to have people sign their books. If you have any Yearbook questions or concerns, please direct those to Mrs. Zoumboulis: lauracz@sbcglobal.net
* PJ, fluffy friend, and movie celebration for filling the classroom bucket.
* AHML Summer Reading Assembly
* We visit Mrs. Lo's class to learn about 3rd grade.
* Lunch Bunch in our classroom. Please make sure the student lunches DO NOT contain any nut products.
* School Assembly
* Farewell to 5th Graders at 3:25
Day 8: Lucas "This year I've had memories with Jacob, Nick, Michael, Colin, Grace, Oula, Connor, Mia, Oliver, and David. I also loved learning in the classroom."
This may have been a shortened week, but we packed a TON of learning and fun into it. Take a look at what we were up to this week...
On Wednesday, actors from the STAGE WRITE program came to Dryden for the final poetry performance. It was incredible to see the students' poetry come to life! Three students from our classroom had their poetry turned into performance pieces. I'm thrilled to share poems written by Grace, Oula, and Oliver....
Thank you, Miss Aimee-Lynn, for the incredible work you did with organizing this program for the kids and giving them an opportunity to engage in such a wonderful experience.
This week we released our butterflies and wrapped up the Life Cycles unit. When we began this unit, I was amazed by how much the students already knew about life cycles and butterflies. I was excited to take their knowledge to the next level. Today we completed the "L" portion of our KWL chart. Our scientists have made such incredible growth this year. Their thinking, questioning, and analytical skills have developed nicely and I am very proud of their progress. Check out the photos from our release celebration this week.
Yesterday the kids took the Unit 11 test. During our review of the test today, we discussed why I always tell them to double check their answers before turning their tests in. Before I handed back the kids' test, I had them complete some of the problems using dry erase boards so they could compare the work they did on the test to what the did on the board. I saw light bulbs going off left and right and we discussed each of the problems. A lot of the errors were mistakes that could have been avoided by slowing down and double checking the answer. The skills they were tested on yesterday are ones that we will continue working on during the last two weeks of school.
Today we had a wonderful assembly honoring Dr. Jerome. We are grateful for everything that she has done for our District during her tenure. The kids had a great time celebrating her through song and dance! Check out the photos from the celebration.
Today, each child brought home an envelope with their spring MAP results. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Make sure you check out our blog each day to see the kids' favorite memories of the school year.
NO SCHOOL FRIDAY (5/23) and MONDAY(5/26)
I hope you all had a chance to enjoy this beautiful weekend. Here is a look at what we've been up to over the past two weeks...
As you have noticed through the Home Links, the kids are learning strategies and skills for solving multiplication and division problems. The kids have learned that anything times zero is ZERO, anything times one is the number you are multiplying by one, and times two means doubling the number. The kids have also been using the following organizers to help create the number models for multiplication and division problems...
The students used this organizer to solve multiplication problems such as this...
The students also used the organizer to solve division problems such as this...
The kids have done an incredible job during our poetry unit. This week wraps-up our Stage Write program with Miss Aimee-Lynn. The Stage Write poetry performance will take place on Wednesday at 1:20. Members of the theatre troupe will act out a variety of poetry selections. I can't wait to see if any student poetry written by 2-3 is performed in the show. Here is a peek at some of the poems that have been written by the kids.
Thank you, Mrs. Pattie, for visiting our class and conducting some incredible science experiments involving solids, liquids, and gases. It was such an engaging and informative afternoon! Check out the slide show of photos.
Our butterflies began emerging from their chrysalises on Thursday. The kids also had the opportunity to observe a chrysalis that one of the butterflies emerged from. The kids will make some final observations this week and complete the "L" portion of our KWL chart. We will conclude our life cycles unit on Thursday.
The yearbook deadline has been extended to May 21st! Yearbooks cab be purchased for $12.00. Please place your order in an envelope with check or cash and drop off in the office. Include your child’s name, grade, and teacher. Checks can be made out to Dryden PTA. (If paying with cash please send the exact amount.) Any questions, please feel free to contact Laura Zoumboulis at lauracz@sbcglobal.net
ALL library books are due this week. Please make sure to send your child with his/her books tomorrow.
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 23rd and Monday, May 26th.
I hope you have taken time to read the kids' memories as we countdown the final days of the school year. We have 12 more days filled with learning and fun! It's going to be great!!!